Monday, December 1, 2008

WA 3

What about peace?
Well, what about it?
It is what that makes us human
It is what that makes us happy
It is what makes us joyful
It is us and we encircle it

Peace is a bond
Connected by trust
Connected by people who know what it is
But Peace can be broken
Shattered and cracked

The culprit is war, violence and lack
Lack of hope
Lack of the bond humans share
That’s how it gets torn and then we are sad

Thrown into an age of unlimited despair

Although, when we break free
When humans are free
Free of war, of crime and hatred
We all can rejoice and be peaceful again
It is the ultimate goal.
All for one…
And one is peace
Like enlightenment for Buddhists,
It is the aim of mankind
To be in harmony,
Once. And for all.

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